Sunday, February 24, 2013

check out these ministry

Here a few different ministry's that are located in Thailand.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

January Newsletter

   The Foot prints in the sand!!!!  Nicole's journey to Thailand             
 What’s been happening!

On January 27, I hosted a family fun night fundraiser at the local YMCA. It was a good time with friends as we watched a movie on the big screen, enjoyed each other’s company and had some good laughs.  At the NAC, I continue to be amazed at how great the children are and how complex their stories are. Recently, two students and I took on the task of repainting the mural on the window in one of the main classrooms. We decided to paint a flag for each student’s homeland.  It was a lot of work, but I have to say, I really like how the windows came out. (See picture below.) 

I have come to realize just how hard fundraising really is and I am truly thankful for all the help and kindness I have received from friends during this time. Currently, I have raised about 14% of my support need for Thailand. If you would like to know more about my upcoming trip to Thailand, or how you could support me finically or through prayer, please feel free to contact me at email- or by phone -978-645-1839.

  That I would continue to  make connections and  new relationships as I fundraise

·        Funds for internship

·       That I am 14% supported for Thailand
·       For all the new friendships I have made while fundraising

With love in Christ,

Nicole Downer 

2012 report on human trafficking in Thailand

please take a moment and follow this link and read Of the 2012 report on human trafficking in Thailand. My hope for sharing this report with you is to give you a deeper look in to the issue of trafficking. I also would like to give you a better understanding of my heart for Thailand. 
